Sculpting Flaming Heads, and 'wow!'

A common factor in armies that win best painted awards is a ‘wow’ factor.  ‘Wow’ is not something that can be defined, its something that simply makes the observer go ‘wow!’.

Basing schemes, vibrant colour palettes, conversions can all be ‘wow’ factors, but that does not mean they have to be done well!

My anecdotal evidence of this is a friend of mine who paints to a near ‘eavy metal standard.  His conversion work is subtle, so subtle people assume its part of the normal kit!  But at events he would regularly lose best painted to other armies that were big on ‘wow’ but less on skill.

I’m not big on ‘wow’ myself, but I do like to give my armies a bit of my own flavour.  I thought it would make sense for my burning skeletons to be on fire, so I sculpted flames on their heads!  That actual skill and execution is far below what a professional sculptor could achieve, but I’m hoping I’ve delivered a little ‘wow’.
