Escalation League Opening Moves

Greetings generals, herein lay the particulars of the first span of your endeavours to topple the rightful king of the ladder league, me, the Summerking:

A tenfold of the noble knights of Solent Wargamers have raised their banners high and fully a brace of games between them! The oracular portal of The Wotscore has granted me the insight to relay the following fresh from the battlefields.

Alden VS Robert (45 - 16)

This plucky pair are our latest visages to grace out beneficent club and have wasted no formalities in laying waste to each other! With a win Alden manoeuvred into a position to challenge the noble Vitto...

Alden VS Vitto  (45 - 41)

Of this venture Vitto can only be heard to say "Hate Lumineth". Such strong vexing! Alden's gambit has taken him from near the bottom to the top of the bottom, bravo!

Chris VS Duane (30 - 32)

What should of have been a dignified jostle for 2nd place rapidly transgressed into a brawl between bitter enemies. Any pretence of honour was foreshortened and recriminations laid bare, although this is to be expected between the ancestral enemies that are Duardin and Goblin. Duane took supremacy by only two points and, with no salt to rub in the wound, attested that "Chris slow played me". Surely such a grievous slight will not be left unpunished. 

Tony VS Chris (50 -20)

As the most beneficent of rulers I, of course, am not exempt from being challenged. It was most graceful of Chris to know his role in this beautiful game of pageantry and chose, wisely, to lose by sacrificing all his troops by the end of round three. Not only this but he took his ruse one step further by declaring to all that would listen "Tony is a bitch and FEC suck dick". Such sycophancy is an example to all my subjects!

I will not regale you with the intricacies of every match up, though I know you hang on my every word! Lamentably The Wotscore gives me only scant but scintillating detail. Rouse your heralds and have them relay your actions to my ears, so I may orate your actions to the masses. 

Until next we meet again, may you roll only sixes!
