Lord of Contagion

This miniature appears to be complex, and can itimidate painters into thinking they are not capable of doing it justice.  I achieved most of the effect on this mini with drybrushing and pin washing!

All the green armour, metallics, blue handle and red cloth were drybrushed.  I use inexpensive make-up brushes to do this, and you shouldn't be paying more than a few pound for each one.  

Pin washes were made by mixing contrast paints with water (not medium, I want them to behave like a stain) and stippled/pin washed into place. This is most evident on the rust, working from Blood Angel Red, layered with Gryph Charger Orange and finished with Troll Slayer Orange.

On some of the rust patches the red/green border was too stark.  I used a swab/cotton bud soaked in Iso Alcohol to gently remove the edges of the red, and voila!

If you like this mini, and want one for yourself, I estimate that it would cost you about £25.
