Beastgrave Terrain and Thorns of the Briar Queen

 After playing Beastgrave against a friend a few weekends ago, I've gotten a bit of a bug for playing it.  There are still elements of it that I think are flawed (two elements of chance in dice and random draw cards) but its fun enough between friends.

More importantly, getting to paint little projects instead of entire armies!  The Beastgrave terrain set is superb, lending itself well to basic techniques due to size and lack of 'extra's like trinkets, filligree, skulls and jewellery.

Becuase I dont have to concern myself with the warbands fitting into a larger force, I'm free to experiment with different schemes.  On these Thorns I tried using bolder, fuller colour palettes and blending in the new Tesseract Glow paint.

 Happy painting all!
